At a glance
Nearby regional city
Surrounding Towns
- Irymple
- Red Cliffs
- Merbein
- Ouyen
- Murrayville
- Hattah
- Nangiloc
- Colignan
- Cowangie
- Lake Cullulleraine
- Cardross
- Walpeup
- Underbool
- Nichols Point
- Wentworth, NSW
- Buronga, NSW
- Dareton, NSW
Average Temperature
Winter: 4.4°c - 15.4°c
Oasis in the sun
Welcome to Mildura Rural City, where the winters are mild and the summers are sunny—the warmest climate in Victoria.
This is a rapidly growing municipality that includes Mildura itself and the communities of Red Cliffs, Merbein, Irymple, Ouyen and Murrayville. Known for its significant natural assets, the region has a rich indigenous cultural history.
Grazing and farming began here in the 1800s, before Mildura became Australia’s first irrigation settlement and consequently a key service and economic hub of inland Australia.
Today Mildura Rural City offers a sunny and active lifestyle, with a vibrant cultural scene, great schools and diverse employment choices. Come and experience Victoria’s top end for yourself.