The best education at every age

As a parent, you want the best for your kids. And that’s never truer than when thinking about your child’s education.

You may not be aware that rural and regional Victoria is home to some of the best educational opportunities in the state.

Victoria includes many services to give Victorian children the best start in life. This includes:

  • Free Kinder for Victorian 3 and 4-year-old children at participating services.
  • Three-Year-Old Kindergarten – providing Victorian children with 2 years of a quality kindergarten program before school.
  • Four-Year-Old Kindergarten transitioning to 'Pre-Prep' – increasing to a universal 30-hour a week program of play-based learning for 4-year-old children in Victoria.

For more information about early childhood education, visit Best Start, Best Life.

The local council in your region will also have useful information about kindergarten and childcare services.

Primary and secondary schooling, both government and private, is readily available across every region. It’s easy to see what schools are where by using the government’s MySchool website.

Across rural and regional communities, Victoria’s TAFE network offers a range of vocational education and training opportunities, helping locals develop the skills they need for jobs in a growing regional industry. The Free TAFE initiative is making TAFE an even more popular study option.

And let’s not forget tertiary education, for both young people and adults returning to study. Many of Victoria’s top universities and colleges have regional campuses.

Improving educational facilities across regional Victorian state schools are focussed on excellence and equity, with a goal to equip all students with the personal and practical skills to live the lives they want to live, and get the jobs they need.
