At a glance
Nearby regional city
Surrounding Towns
- Ballan
- Bacchus Marsh
- Myrniong
- Gordon
- Bungaree
- Wallace
Average Temperature
Average minimum: 11.5°c
Community and liveability
Perfectly positioned between Melbourne and Ballarat are the picturesque rolling hills and heritage townships of Moorabool Shire. Boasting beautiful gold rush era towns and picturesque environmental areas, Moorabool Shire has something for everyone.
A popular commuter settlement, Moorabool combines the best of country living with easy access to the city, just 45km away via the upgraded Western Highway. Among a pleasantly varied landscape of gorges, forests and open spaces you’ll find a wealth of friendly towns such as Ballan, Bacchus Marsh and Gordon. In fact, this thriving agricultural region hosts no fewer than 64 localities, hamlets and towns to choose from.
Being so close to major city centres, growth and jobs are booming. For non-commuters, opportunities exist close by in retail, manufacturing, health and community services, education, and property and business services, to name a few.
Is this the perfect lifestyle mix you’ve been looking for? Moorabool Shire is the best of country and city living - be sure to visit soon.