At a glance
Nearby regional city
Surrounding Towns
- Wonthaggi
- Cowes
- Inverloch
- San Remo
- Grantville
Average Temperature
Winter: 10°c - 14°c
Attractive by nature
Bass Coast is a vibrant community an easy two hours commuting distance from Melbourne. The region is a combination of unspoilt coastline and picturesque rural hinterland. A popular holiday destination, our quaint rural villages, bustling holiday towns, rolling hills and world renowned surf breaks provide a breath-taking getaway for over three million visitors each year.
Currently one of the fastest growing areas in regional Victoria, Bass Coast has a permanent population of approximately 36,000, although in peak season the population grows to around 80,000. The main centres of Wonthaggi, Cowes, Inverloch, San Remo and Grantville service the local population and more than 3.5 million visitors each year.
Recognised around the world for the Penguin Parade and the Australian Motorcycle Grand Prix, you’re invited to visit and experience the many activities, natural attractions and events. Bass Coast is accessible for a day trip and has a wide variety of accommodation for those who would like to stay longer.
With successful agribusiness and service industries and welcoming over 3.5 million visitors per year, the opportunities for new businesses are excellent. The municipality is experiencing steady growth in its economic base and the growing population also means skilled trades people and service industry workers are in high demand. Key industries include construction, manufacturing, tourism, retail, health care, agriculture and education. Major employers are Bass Coast Health, Bass Coast Shire Council, Phillip Island Nature Parks, Westernport Water and major accommodation venues.
Bass Coast is an ideal place to raise a family in a friendly regional community that embraces true country values.