At a glance
Nearby regional city
Surrounding Towns
- Leongatha
- Korumburra
- Mirboo North
- Foster
- Mirboo North
- Nyora
- Venus Bay
Average Temperature
Winter: 4.8°c - 13°c
Annual average: 8.4°c - 19.0°c
Come for the Beauty, Stay for the Lifestyle
South Gippslanders enjoy an enviable lifestyle with all the pleasures of country living, plus access to city markets and entertainment just a short drive away. No traffic jams, clean air and friendly inclusive communities are just a few of the features that might tempt you to consider a tree or sea change.
For your family, the region offers a safe clean environment, well priced homes and properties, excellent
education and children’s support services, plus good medical and aged care services. Add diverse recreational activities, a strong arts community and space to build your dream lifestyle, and the possibilities emerge.
With consistently low unemployment and a vibrant economy on offer there are many opportunities for new business enterprises, employment and investment.
Its population of over 28,000 settled across four major towns and numerous smaller settlements is growing at around 1% per annum and swells to 50,000 during the summer holidays.
Spectacular scenery offers temperate rainforest and rolling hills sweeping down to 300 kilometres of stunning coastline and golden beaches. World famous Wilsons Promontory National Park draws thousands of visitors and thrills them with a myriad of nature based activities. Quaint villages throughout the Shire make browsing an art form, accompanied by great local food and wine which shine in our friendly cafes and Farmers’ Markets and festivals.
This thriving and vibrant region is connecting homes and businesses with faster speeds in data with the rollout of the national broadband network and mobile services are continually being upgraded to connect remote areas throughout the shire. The towns of Leongatha and Korumburra now offer natural gas as cost efficient and reliable resource alternative to homes and business.
Whether you choose to live in town, by the sea or nestled in the hills, there is room enough for everyone to have their own piece of paradise in South Gippsland.
As our slogan says: Come for the beauty, stay for the lifestyle!