At a glance
Nearby regional cities
Wodonga (2hrs).
Surrounding Towns
- Mooroopna
- Dookie
- Tatura
- Murchison
Average Temperature
Winter: 13.3°c
One of Victoria's most liveable regional cities
Greater Shepparton is a vibrant, diverse regional city located approximately two hours north of Melbourne in the heart of the Goulburn Valley, the food bowl of Australia.
Greater Shepparton offers the charm of a rural lifestyle combined with all the big city facilities. Everything you need is just around the corner, and it takes no time to get there.
Offering an enviable lifestyle, university options, premier housing estates, and all the must have facilities, coupled with a vibrant, diverse culture makes living and working here both desirable and unique.
Greater Shepparton is renowned for its cultural diversity and the welcome we extend to new arrivals with just over 13 per cent of the population identifying as being born in a country other than Australia. We also have the largest indigenous population in regional Victoria. We celebrate our diversity in many ways through art, events, festivals and experiences.
We also have lots of young families who call Greater Shepparton home, with the proportion of couples with children almost three per cent above the regional Victorian average.
This means there are endless activities for kids to do including KidsTown, Aquamoves and Splash Park, All Abilities Playground, Fun City, Go Jump Trampoline Centre, Emerald Bank Leisure Land, multi-cinema complex, ten pin bowling, sports, fishing, cycling, skate park, Belstrack Strawberry Farm and Chocolate Apple Factory just to name a few!
For the adults we have Tallis Wine, Longleat Wines, bars, dining out at hotels, restaurants and cafes, shopping, SAM (Shepparton Art Museum) major events and the Motor Museum. Oh, and the Chocolate Apple Factory is worth a visit by adults too!
Here's seven reasons you need to move to Greater Shepparton:
- Relaxed lifestyle and pleasant climate.
- No peak hour traffic and easy access to everything.
- Centrally located only two hours from Melbourne and close to the wine, high and snow countries.
- Quality and affordable housing.
- Extensive range of education opportunities.
- Job opportunities or even start your own business!
- Sport, art, culture and history events and festivals all year round.