At a glance
Nearby regional city
Surrounding Towns
- Portland
- Cape Bridgewater
- Casterton
- Heywood
- Dartmoor
- Nelson
Average Temperature
Winter: 5.4°c - 13.3°c
The discovery coast
Glenelg Shire’s diverse nature makes it a wonderful place to live, work and raise a family. Sea, town or farm – the choice is yours.
Tucked away in Victoria’s south-west corner, the ‘Discovery Coast’ is the western gateway to the Great Ocean Road. Rolling hills and rich agricultural land to the north give way to a scenic and secluded river region to the west, pine plantations line the roads through the hinterland, while a huge expanse of coastal beaches and cliffs form the southern perimeter. Fishing and water activities thrive here, along with a host of diverse and progressive industries.
Whether it’s Portland, Cape Bridgewater, Casterton, Heywood, Dartmoor or Nelson, you’ll be excited by what you discover in Glenelg Shire.