At a glance
Nearby regional city
Benalla, Wangaratta
Surrounding Towns
- Winton
- Violet Town
- Glenrowan
Average Temperature
Summer: 12.1°c - 27.7°c
Winter: 3.2°c - 11.9°c
Winter: 3.2°c - 11.9°c
Relax and live life
Just two sets of traffic lights, warm and welcoming locals, and plenty of activities for young and old. Benalla Rural City is the epitome of a relaxed lifestyle.
You can almost feel the stress dissolve as you enter Benalla Rural city, just two hours north-west of Melbourne. The diversions here include a world-class art gallery, aquatic and indoor recreation centres, performing arts and convention centre, quality wineries, fishing, golf and State Gliding Centre.
Excellent education and health services are at hand within a cosmopolitan CBD, and employment options are many and varied, from agriculture to professional services.

If you'd like to find out more, get in touch with the Benalla Rural City Council.
Discover more
One of the biggest concerns of anyone considering a move to regional Victoria is that of employment. Will there be the type of employment you’re after, and will there be enough of it? You’re definitely not alone in asking these questions.
Finding and then moving into a new home is always an exciting process. Sure, it has its headaches along the way, but there’s nothing quite like the thrill of that first night in a new house. And when the new house happens to be in a whole new region, the thrill only intensifies.
You may not be aware that regional Victoria is home to some of the best schools in the state. True, you won’t find the concentration of options that you have in Melbourne, but you’ll still find plenty of quality choice across all levels of schooling.