At a glance
Nearby regional city
Surrounding Towns
- Brimpaen
- Dadswells Bridge
- Dooen
- Haven
- Laharum
- Natimuk
- Noradjuha
- Pimpinio
Average Temperature
Winter: 3.4°c - 14.2°c
A happening place
Diverse, inclusive, vibrant — Horsham Rural City always has something going on, and you won’t want to miss out.
Centrally located in the region, Horsham Rural City includes the towns of Brimpaen, Dadswells Bridge, Dooen, Haven, Horsham, Laharum, Natimuk, Noradjuha and Pimpinio. It’s a lively area, and the retail, business and service centre of the Wimmera. As such, employment opportunities abound, and health and education are well catered for.
The area’s outstanding recreation includes fishing, boating, sport clubs and Victoria’s finest regional golf course. And there’s no shortage of shopping, dining, entertainment and cultural distractions.
A wonderful place to raise a family, or to live life once the kids have moved on, Horsham Rural City always offers a warm welcome.