At a glance
Nearby regional city
Surrounding Towns
- Hopetoun
- Murtoa
- Rupanyup
- Warracknabeal
- Donald
Average Temperature
Winter: 3.4°c - 14.2°c
For business and pleasure
A relaxed rural lifestyle awaits in Yarriambiack Shire, with opportunities aplenty inside and out for pleasure-seekers of any age.
Comprising the main towns of Hopetoun, Murtoa, Rupanyup and Warracknabeal, Yarriambiack Shire is bounded by a plethora of natural attractions. At the area’s heart, though, is one of the proudest and most efficient dry-farming regions in the world. It produces a quarter of Victoria’s wheat and barley, and is noted for the production of lambs and wool. And around these agricultural pursuits is vibrant activity in retail, health, recreation, support services and more.
With a virtually idyllic climate and a truly down-to-earth community spirit, Yarriambiack Shire represents a refreshing and exciting opportunity for your regional move.